Assistenza legale e protezione d’affari.

Assistenza giuridica dell’attività economica. Protezione delle controversie economiche e conflitti societari.

Lo Studio Legale specializzato in contenzioso in controversie immobiliari, commerciali e fiscali. Lo Studio rappresenta, assiste i clienti e fornisce la protezione giuridica di proprietà e d’affari in Ucraina dal 1994.

In caso di necessità i nostri rappresentanti in Italia saranno lieti di aiutarvi a risolvere qualsiasi problema.

Pуsarenko Law Office provides following services in the field of business and commercial law in Ukraine:

• Consultations regarding opening, setting-up, maintaining new business, choice of optimal company structure in order to minimize taxation and risks;
• General oversight of commercial activity aimed at regulatory compliance;
• Complex legal assistance in conclusion and execution of contracts involving considerable interest;
• Performance of due diligence in major transactions;
• Preparation of contractual basis, contracts formation;
• Counsel regard everyday commercial matters;
• Comprehensive legal services in dispute settlement cases;
• Representation in relations with governmental and private institutions.

Pуsarenko Law Office has rendered a legal support on business issues in Ukraine, namely:

• Provides advice on the implementation of projects and contractual relations;
• Makes modeling of financial and economic activities to reduce taxes and risk;
• Develops, analyzes the draft contracts, provides business and corporate documents formation;
• Conducts analysis of clients operations for compliance with legislation;
• Represents and protects the client interests to third parties.

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