Conduzione dei contenziosi e assistenza nelle transazioni immobiliari.

Assistenza in compravendita, appigionamento, ipoteca e nelle altre operazioni.

Lo Studio Legale specializzato in contenzioso in controversie immobiliari, commerciali e fiscali. Lo Studio rappresenta, assiste i clienti e fornisce la protezione giuridica di proprietà e d’affari in Ucraina dal 1994.

In caso di necessità i nostri rappresentanti in Italia saranno lieti di aiutarvi a risolvere qualsiasi problema.

Our services in the field of real estate include:

• Legal advice in the field of immovable property;
• Legal assistance of preliminary contracts in the field of real estate;
• Legal support of immobility sale-purchase and other real estate transactions;
• Obtaining real estate documents of title;
• Legal services regarding investment, financing, purchase and sale procedures;
• Drafting documents to minimize taxation and risks;
• Representation in courts in real estate disputes;
• Real estate lawyer defense in litigations regarding immobility;
• Case conduct in court regarding recognition of title;
• Conduct of lawsuits regarding invalidation of contracts of purchase, sale or other alienation of immovable property;
• Legal support of immobility sale that is being owned jointly by several parties;
• Representation in courts in lawsuits regarding apartments, premises, parcels, etc.;
• Legal services related to lease contracts;
• Legal services related to mortgage contracts;
• Litigation in inheritance cases involving real estate;
• Litigation in disputes between spouses regarding jointly owned real estate.



As real estate lawyers conducting transactions The Pysarenko Law Office performs:

• Assessment of documents of title;
• Verification of legal encumbrances connected with given immovable property;
• Gathering and analysis of information regarding authority of owners and sellers of real estate property;
• Legal due-diligence of seller and buyer in order to reduce risk prior and following the transaction;
• Drafting of preliminary contract;
• Structuring and optimization of contract conditions;
• Determining best possible payment conditions;
• Assistance in gathering required document package;
• Conduct of signing and certification of the agreement;
• Resolution of disputes both via settlement and court procedures.

Representing clients before courts in real estate related lawsuits we conduct:

• Legal analysis of case circumstances and assessment of evidence;
• Application of legislation and judicial precedent in clients favor;
• Collection and assistance in obtaining of evidence;
• Legal justification of claims and appeals;
• Drafting of documents for court proceedings;
• Representation of plaintiffs and defendants on any stage of court proceedings;
• Preparation and implementation of settlements.

Characteristic features of real estate that distinguish it from other types of objects:

• Impossibility of physical transportation without significant loss in value;
• Significant average value and its fluctuation in time;
• Proprietary rights require mandatory state registration;
• A wide range of factors that may render documents of title or alienation of title void;
• High than ussual number of third parties that may challenge real estate title in court;
• Predominantly notary form of transfer of ownership;
• State regulated transaction procedures in deals involving immovable property;
• State monitoring of taxation in transactions involving real estate;
• High cost, longevity and complexity of litigation in real estate cases;
• Complex procedure of real estate object cost, condition and quality evaluation.

I servizi legali e l’assistenza nella difesa giuridica delle imprese. Il contenzioso in controversie immobiliari complesse, commerciali e fiscali.

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