Enforcement of court decisions regarding reimbursement of losses, caused by state institutions in Ukraine.

Reimbursement of losses, caused by inaction of state bodies in Ukraine.

Enforcement of court decisions regarding reimbursement of losses, caused by state institutions in Ukraine.


The legislation provides significantly different order of enforcement of the judgment, which charged state body with losses, compared with the usual order of execution of court decisions.

According to P.2, Art.3 of the Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” decisions on recovery of funds from state agencies, state budget or budgetary institutions are performed by governmental bodies that provide treasury services.

Two belowmentioned regulations provide the mechanism for implementation of court decisions on recovery of funds from state agency debtors:

– “Procedure of Implementation of the recovery of state and local budgets or debtors” №845, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
– Law “On state guarantees of execution of court rulings”.

In order for court decision to be carried out, claimant should address State Treasury Department with a respective statement.

Alongside with a statement, claimant should file a compulsory list of documents approved by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

This list includes:
- Original writs;
- Court rulings regarding reimbursement of losses;
- Statement including bank account details for transfer of funds;

Writs should be presented for execution within one year from the day following the day of entry into force of the court decision, unless otherwise provided by law. Transfer of funds to claimant is made within three months from the date of receipt by the State Treasury Department of application with all required documents.

P. 35-39 of resolution of CMU №845 indicate that the Treasury can indisputably write-off the state budget for reimbursement (compensation), including loss caused by illegal decisions, actions or omissions of public authorities, their officials or officials in the exercise of their powers.

Write-off of state budget funds by the State Treasury Department for compensation purposes is being made through and within budget allocations envisaged in the state budget for this exact purpose.

If for undisputed compensation State needs additional funds over the amount of the corresponding budgetary allocations, the Treasury shall, within one month of receipt of writs, files proposals to Finance Ministry regarding amendment of the Law on State Budget of Ukraine or the allocation of funds from the reserve fund of the state budget for this purpose.

Write-off of state budget is in effect from the day of implementation of amendments to the Law on State Budget of Ukraine or the decision to allocate funds from the reserve fund of the state budget.

Send your request on legal services or initial advice


Pysarenko Oleksandr, Attorney-at-Law, MBA Degree.

Kyiv, Ukraine.

Tel.: +38 (044) 270 60 46
E-mail: info@fides.com.ua

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